The Intricate Ritual
Josh Byrnes
Stills from 15 minute performance video.
Created in conversation with Jac Pryor’s Time Slips: Queer Temporality, Contemporary Performance, the Hole of History.
Inside of a sacred circle, The Magician and his Assistant perform the Intricate Ritual, a pattern of homosocially charged behaviors, as a means of transcending Straight Time. They subtly pass into those queer, “unremembered” moments which exist out of time, because they “didn’t happen.” The piece takes its title from Barbara Kruger’s indictment of heteronormative patriarchy: “You construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men,” (from Untitled, 1981).
No New Pain
Dani Janae
Series of poems engraved on a set of hand tools.
Created in conversation with Audre Lorde’s The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House.
The Reading Room
The Queer Theory Library
Interactive installation; A library curated by The Queer Theory Library for Prelude to 2100.
osing as a collection of texts that have guided a future collective who now live in community in a flooded city of Miami in the year 2050, The Reading Room was a library curated by The Queer Theory Library for Deering Estate’s Orientation Gallery for the immersive theater/exhibition Prelude to 2100 by Susan Caraballo.
In the Reading Room, museum visitors were invited to sit down and read books on indigenous history, ecological systems, capitalism and climate, sea level rise, queer community building, and hope amidst political collapse.
This Bitter Earth
Harmony Honig & Summer Jade Leavitt
Stills from short film; photographs by Becky Mendizabal.
Created in conversation with Queering the Non/Human by Myra J Hird.