A Working LifeEileen Mylespoetry
An Archive of FeelingsAnn Cvetkovichtheory
Are Prisons Obsolete?Angela Davistheory
The ArgonautsMaggie Nelsonautotheory
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complexe. by Eric A Stanley and Nat Smiththeory
Carceral CapitalismJackie Wangtheory
Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer TheoryJose Esteban Munoztheory
Cyberfeminism IndexMindy Seureference bookDisidentificationsJose Esteban Munoztheory
Ecodeviance: (soma)tics for the Future WildernessCAConradpoetry
Everyday Utopia: The Conceptual Life of Promising Spaces Davina Coopertheory
Exile and PrideEli Claretheory
FEEDTommy Pico poetry
Feeling Like a State: Desire, Denial, and the Recasting of AuthorityDavina Coopertheory
Females Andrea Long Chutheory
Futurability: The Age of Impotence and the Horizon of PossibilityFranco “Bifo” Berarditheory
GephyromaniaT.C. Tolbertpoetry
Glitch FeminismLegacy Russeltheory
Hold It Against MeJennifer Doyletheory
How Soon Is Now?Carolyn Dinshawtheory
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the WorldTimothy Mortontheory
In the Wake: On Blackness and BeingChristina Sharpetheory
Information Activism: A Queer History of Lesbian TechnologiesCait McKinneytheory
Lesbian Cinema after Queer TheoryClara Bradbury Rancetheory
The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s HouseAudre Lordetheory, poetry
Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and MeaningKaren Baradtheory
Miss Major SpreaksMiss Major and Toshio Meronekbiography, interviews
NightwoodDjuna BarnesfictionOdes to LithiumShira Erlichman poetry
Preliminary Theories of the Young Girltiqquntheory
Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, DesireCatriona Mortimer Sandilandstheory
Queer Expectations: A Genealogy of Jewish Women’s PoetryZohar Wieman Kellantheory, poetry
Queer PhenomenologySara AhmedtheoryQueer Times, Queer Becomingsedited by E. McCallum and Mikko Tuhkanentheory
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desireedited by CB Daring, J Rogue, Abbey Volcano and Deric Shannontheory
Queering the Non/HumanMyra J Hirdtheory
Reading Queer: Poetry in a Time of Chaosedited by Maureen Seaton and Neil de la Florpoetry
Reload: Rethinking Women and Cybercultureedited bytheory
Somatechnics: Queering the Technologisation of Bodies edited by Samantha Murray and Nikki Sullivantheory
Staying with the TroubleDonna Harawaytheory
Stolen Life: Consent to not be a Single BeingFred Motentheory
Strange Natures: Futurity, Empathy, and the Queer Ecological ImaginationNicole Seymourtheory
Surviving the FutureDavid Fleming and Rob Hopkinstheory
TendenciesEve Kovosky Sedgwicktheory
That’s Revolting! Queer Strategies for ResistanceMatilda Bernstein Sycamoretheory
The Apparitional LesbianTerry Castletheory
The Faggots and Their Friends Between RevolutionsLarry Mitchellfiction, prose
The Queer Art of FailureJack Halberstamprose
Time Is a MotherOcean Vuongpoetry
Time Is the Thing the Body Moves ThroughT. Fleischmannpoetry
Time Slips: Queer Temporalities, Contemporary Art, and the Hole of HistoryJac Pryortheory
Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, and PerformativityEve Kovosky Sedgwicktheory
Trans Hirstory in 99 Objectsedited by David Evans Frantz, Christina Linden, Chris E. Vargasanthology
Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of VisibilityJohanna Burton and Reina Gosserrtheory
Unruly Visions: The Aesthetic Practices of Queer DiasporaGayatri Gopinaththeory
Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicalstheory
We Want it All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poeticsedited by Andrea Abi Karam and Kay Gabrielpoetry anthology
Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots?: Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to ConformMatilda Bernstein Sycamoretheory